What an evening! TRIPS celebrated its 40th anniversary with a big jubilee party with about 350 customers, suppliers and employees.
The event was opened with an entertaining and exciting talk by Linus Trips as “Next Generation”, Florian Töpper (Landrat), Dr. Klaus D. Mapara (IHK President) and Sebastian Remelé (Oberbürgermeister) with moderator Dirk Denzer. Caroline and Christian Trips then showed how the family business has developed since it was taken over in 1989, which customers have had a great deal of influence and where the journey “tomorrow” should go. In this context they also presented the new image film of TRIPS.
Due to the 20-year partnership with Siemens, CEO of the Digital Industries Division Klaus Helmrich congratulated in person and gave interesting insights in an interview with Christian Trips and Dirk Denzer.
„Es war ein super Abend. Angefangen von dem Blick in die Vergangenheit bis heute – sowie den Ausblick auf „Tomorrow“. Umrahmt von internationaler Küche, Untermauert durch spannende „Talkrunden“ mit Politik und Wirtschaft. Dass das Ganze ein Balance-Akt ist, welchen es zu meistern gilt, aber auch viel mit Aktion und Akrobatik zu tun hat, war perfekt inszeniert– bis hin zu einem lockeren Ausklang.“
With the balance act of Miyoko Shida Rigolo and a powerful “deceleration” we went over to the buffet. Afterwards also MdL and Secretary of State Gerhard Eck expressed his praise and appreciation for the performance of the company TRIPS.
With a short presentation of the TRIPS executives, the breakdance show of the DDC was accompanied by a long party night.