Sucessful Workplace Conditions Assessment

Trips has successfully passed the auditing process according to the requirements of the “Workplace Conditions Assessment” (WCA). Thus the company could officially verify its high working condition demands. The audit program serves as an instrument to improve continuously the working conditions in accordance with generally accepted industrial standards.

During the audit, which took 1,5 days, an approved certification authority examined carefully the categories labour, wages and hours, health and safety, management system and environment. The assessment follows criteria which have been developed on the basis of national laws, agreements of international labor organizations as well as industry standards of so-called “Best-Practice-Organizations”. The results of this survey have been evaluated and verified in one-on-one interviews with concerned employees.

With a compliance rate of 97% Trips has clearly exceeded the national average benchmark of 90%. “Thereby our staff and customers can be sure, that our services are provided according to internationally accepted standards,” summarized Caroline Trips, managing director of Trips GmbH, the audit results. And she affirms: “Quality, safety, environment protection, social and ethical responsibility are unseperable at Trips and they are firmly and verifiably fixed by our business policy.”